2022 06 16 14h04 57 3

“Strengthening a Europe of solidarity in times of migration” was a project promoted by the Municipality
of A Laracha, Spain, whose main objective was the search for understanding, integration and the creation
of new points of view through dialogue and reflection of European citizens, helping to improve
understanding of the European Union, as well as its history and diversity of citizens, promoting European
citizenship, increasing citizen and democratic participation, understanding the current situation of the EU
in relation to migration policies and to search of alternatives and new challenges to overcome.
The project held the organization of 5 thematic meetings: A Laracha (Spain) from 12th to 15th November
2019, Kaunas (Lithuania) from 5th to 8th February 2020, Qrendi (Malta) from 30th September to 3rd
October 2021, Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) from 29th November to 2nd December 2021 and in Venice (Italy)
from 11th to 14th January 2022. Participation levels where extremely high: 800 direct participants, more
than 350 indirect participants and 20 countries involved (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, France, Bulgaria,
Denmark, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania,
Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Croatia).
To achieve the objectives of the project, in line with the priorities of Europe for Citizens program, it was
needed to create a strong and long-term network, proposing activities based on the reinforcement of
active participation in European society such as round tables, interactive workshops, conferences, case
studies, cultural visits… The project aimed to find an answer to the migratory crisis currently experienced
in Europe, both internally, between their own countries, and externally; Citizens’ understanding of the
Union’s policy process was strengthened by promoting opportunities for social and intercultural
engagement, directly addressing concepts such as migration, Euroscepticism, solidarity that revolves
around their environment or social and cultural integration policies. Therefore, participants were
encouraged to exchange opinions and best practices with the aim to formulate new ideas and concrete

Find all relevant material and information HERE: DESCRIPTION NETWORK OF TOWNS A LARACHA!