The EVENTS of the Be Active -Shape Europe project, part of the Europe For Citizens program (Sub-Activity: Networks of towns, Strand2: Democratic engagement and civic participation and Identifier: 601505-CITIZ-1-2018-1-EL-CITIZ-NT), were concluded with the National Workshop and European Parliament Simulation, organized digitally by KEDITH, the greek acronym for the Community Enterprise of the Municipality of Thessaloniki in March 2021. Yet, the young people who participated in those two back-to-back activities had a lot to say and what better legacy for a project that expires duly after 3 years to record and report those opinions and form a policy paper for all youngsters, youth workers, stakeholders, policy makers and interested parties to refer to and utilize?
This is how this POLICY PAPER was born and it is now available for you to access and for all of us to brainstorm and make our city/ Europe more inclusive to young people’s voice and more just!
Here it is: